Monday Moments- Keep it Simple

As we approach the end of the Year it can get easy to get super distracted with all we have to do– shopping, wrapping, cooking and oh my!

It’s important to still take time for YOU- and your passion to Photograph and Travel.

On a budget– look for things close to you, Christmas markets, or ice skating or simply some new places like State or County Parks- there are spaces you haven’t explored. Explore in a new way– with your camera- give yourself a challenge-limit the number of photos you can take.

Limit yourself to an area or even a time frame.

Limit yourself with your equipment- choose a lens you don’t use often or just use a cell phone and learn it’s limitations.

Sometimes to get new life into the everyday you have to create a challenge- or a theme such as Holiday Lights- colors- maybe just a walk in your neighborhood after dark with your camera.

December gives you a lot of opportunities even without snow to find some photos- buildings will be lit up with  more lights, events for some street photography, and even hitting up your local florist, or greenery store- some beautiful close ups of poinsettias and more!

IF- lights are your thing- you may want to up your ISO, or you will need a tripod, or experiment with impressions of the lights by moving– you can move your camera around while you keep the iso low, and the fstop up which will mean you will be blurring the lights- move in a circle, move side to side– up to you just play!

Be safe, dress for the weather and carry extra batteries for Night !

If you need help designing an itinerary contact me

April Bielefeldt

Your Photo Travel Guide




About phototrips

Raised in the Midwest - the center of the United States with hardworking parents-I got my first job in a library at 14 and have been working ever since. My grandma always loaded me in the car and down the road we went, the local market, the wildflowers, and a picnic lunch-she taught my sister and I the value of simple pleasures. My parents also always made sure we took a full week to 2 weeks for a summer vacation-we planned and looked forward to these adventures, again traveling on a budget, in a car throughout the United States. By the time my Mom passed away from breast cancer she had visited all 50 states and shared a love of the outdoors with me and her incredible classic fashion sense. I hope you will enjoy my blog posts about my Weekend Photo trips, my foodie stops and my love of new places... all on a budget but yet with a taste for the finest!
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